50ket.carrd.co 🤑

No, you’re NOT a real femcel.

I’m so sick of all these people that think they’re femcels. No, you’re not. Most of you are not even close to being femcels. I see these people saying “I haven't took a shower for over 100 hours, it’s great!” that’s nothing, most of us can easily avoid showers for 300+ hours in all our lives. I see people who only have self diagnosed autism and claim to be femcels. Come talk to me when you have clinically diagnosed schizophrenia, bipolar depression and 15+ past suicide attempts with at least 3 of them being successful, then we be friends.

Also DEAR ALL WOMEN IN RELATIONSHIPS: A woman in a toxic relationship is not a real femcel. A woman in a tinder relationship is not a real femcel. A woman in a roblox relationship is not a real femcel. A woman in a relationship with a GPT ai chatbot is not a real femcel. A woman in a relationship with the nice guy that emerged from the walls after she stopped taking her pills is is not a real femcel. Women in any kinds of relationships are NOT.REAL.FEMCELS. Break up with your cringe ass moid beta boyfriends and be based and redpilled sigma females for once.

Sincerely, all the ACTUAL femcels.

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